Posts tagged “ctf”
apple arduino benjamin hardy blogging book bug bounty business ctf electronics event hackfest how to html iOS infosec javascript jekyll jigsaw john sonmez laracon online laravel let's build linux macOS ngrok notes opinion php pi-hub programming quicktime raspberry pi review side project soft skills static site generators summary swift thoughts twitter cards tynan woodworking
Hackfest 2019 - Upside Down Edition
Yet another month of November draws to a close, meaning that another edition of Hackfest, an awesome infosec conference held in Quebec City, just happened. Here is the summary of my 5th presence at the event, which pretty much makes it a tradition by now. -
Hackfest 2018 - Decade Edition
Early this month, I attended the 10th edition of Hackfest. It was my 4th presence at the event and I absolutely had a blast! Here are some thoughts on the event.