Posts tagged “thoughts

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  • My thoughts after reading Slipstream Time Hacking, by Benjamin Hardy
    I discovered Benjamin’s content through his writings on Medium and I really liked his perspective on life and work. He wrote many books, but this one particularly intrigued me. Here is what I thought after reading Slipstream Time Hacking, by Benjamin Hardy.

  • Documentary 'App: The Human Story' presents what it means to be an indie app developer
    As a developer, I have independent software business ambitions. But I understand it’s definitely not an easy path, and even less a guaranteed success. The documentary App: The Human Story shows the ups and downs of independent iOS app development, bringing to light the challenges of running such businesses, beyond the technical struggle.

  • My thoughts after reading The software developer’s life manual, by John Sonmez
    Each and every day, I work hard to become a better developer as well as a better human-being. This means that I’m constantly on a quest for new knowledge. The Internet has brought new ways to consume content, but, sometimes, a well-detailed and logically-organized book about a subject is easier to read than 100s of blog posts. After following John Sonmez’s Entreprogrammer podcast and reading his blog, I decided to read the book he has written. Here is what I think after reading Soft Skills: The software developer’s life manual and how it influenced my life ever since.